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Omni Mount Washington Resort - Bretton Woods NH Real Haunt

  • 310 Mount Washington Hotel Rd.
  • Bretton Woods, NH
  • 603-278-1000
Located in Bretton Woods, the Omni Mount Washington offers everything from dining and golf to skiing and spas. A popular location for weddings and corporate events as well, this resort sees a fair share of tourists... and some ghosts, too.

The tale that surrounds this resort is that of Carolyn Stickney. Carolyn married the founder of the hotel, who died before the construction was complete. She remarried into European royalty but passed away herself shortly after.

Visitors believe Carolyn has never checked out of the Omni Mount Washington. They have reported seeing her hazy apparition appear in photos and float throughout the hallways. Her ghost is also a fan of room 314. Do you dare stay the night?
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Contact Phone #: 603-278-1000

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 39
Clicks to Website: 4
Last edit to this listing: 6/24/2024 (85 days ago)

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